The internship gave me a confidence in my writing

The internship gave me a confidence in my writing. I have never been confident in my writing and yet have kept journals for years. Isn't that funny?! I like to write but I don't like to worry about the little things I do wrong! So I gained a lot of confidence in my writing style. I also found that I can come up with good ideas for blog posts. I have always deemed myself as being uncreative. I know that is not a talent of mine but I can think of things to write just as well as the next person. That also helped with my confidence!

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One last thing I learned

I learned a ton but I will only cover one last thing. Kelly, taught us a lot about being social and helped us form habits. I realized that some things that will make a blog successful I am just not willing to do all the time! Big shocker, right? I am not willing to spend hours mulling over blogs just to make comments. Now I am not saying I don't read a lot of blog posts or leave comments, because I do! I read a lot of posts but only the posts that actually interest me. I am a mom of four kids. I don't have time looking for posts to comment on, just to be friendly! So my socializing is great but I have to do it at my own pace and not on a schedule! I really think that is the great part of the internship, we we're given the tools and we could take it or leave it that is up to us!

Mom Giveaways

I had a lot of fun on Mom Giveaways because I am so passionate about sweepstakes! I love them and have so much fun entering and winning! I started entering sweepstakes on a regular basis, five years ago. I have stopped and started many times. When I filled out my internship application I listed that as one of my hobbies. So I believe Kelly picked me because of this! Boy am I glad she did! I was able to share my knowledge on the website about the in's and out's of doing sweeps (as us sweepers call it). To answer your first question about Mom Giveaways. I didn't have to find any giveaways and post them. Anyone can enter their own giveaway to get traffic! I did do one post with a bunch of giveaways that we're all for cash prizes. That one I did with the help of some online newsletters that I subscribe to. There are several newsletters out there that find great giveaways and make the hobby really fun!

Kudos readers! I have Facebooked my neighbor that I can absolutely note their great effective Toronto based real estate lawyer with hearts, in a future post. So if you are shopping to find a real estate agency in the Ontario location, they really are extraordinary.

Finally, naturally I ought to bring up the basic concept to this little content has been supplied via Kavos over at Undeniably an incredible pool supply services. I certainly enjoy a smart suggestion!

Footnotes - Where would I be with out you?

Posted in Photograph Post Date 01/17/2018




